About us


Used machine market




The down listed products give an overview about the LS self produced machine types. Special execution and designs are available on request.

Continuous tunnel batch washers with bottom transfer technology for batch sizes from 36kg to 100kg

Conveyors for loading-, batch loading as well as unloading- and sorting in different executions.

Shuttle– and Lift-conveyor for single and multiple loading.

Hand-loaded dryers for batch sizes of 50kg to 150kg.

Dryers (through-loading) for batch sizes of 50kg to 150kg. Special designs available.

Single station dewatering presses for batch sizes from 36kg to 100kg. This machine type is available in the standard-pressure execution  and also in a high pressure execution .

LS batch washer LSW

LS dryer LST

LS transport conveyor

LS single station press LSP

Products (New-machines)

· Further details...on request

· Further details...on request

· Further details...on request

· Further details...on request

High performance ironers in various working widths and diameters. From one to four roller units.

LS ironer LSMM / LSMW

· Further details...on request

PLC control or industrial-PCs solve your control and automate problem. Visualization and data-recording for your laundry.

Our Know-How connects your peripheral equipment into your laundry.

LS control and peripheral equipment

· Further details...on request

Laundry machines-Service-Maintenance

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LS Laundry Specialist GmbH & Co KG

Coburger Str. 16

D—66606 St. Wendel

Tel.: +49 (0)6851/80606-10

FAX. +49 (0)6851/80606-16


Registry Hrb 8973

Court AG Saarbrücken

VAT DE813543557

General manager: Anton Wertatschitsch

Responsible for contains and text acc. § 55 Abs. 2 RStV identically with the general manager. v0212


The  products or services marked with ® are copyright protected brands or  services of the corresponding companies. The marked brands belong to its corresponding owner.

Technical data or execution can be changed without any further note.

The shown pictures and colors are only samples.